
Application for sea staff employment


1Personal Data


Next of Kin/Relationship


1Block 1 - Personal Data

Block 1 - Personal Data

1. Make sure to advise the telephone numbers complete with country and area code as required to call you from abroad.

2. E-mail address is compulsory.

3. Next of kin is the person to be notified in case of an emergency.

4. Make sure that all data are correct.

2The Summary of Personal certification and Training Courses attended

Certificate Name No Rank Number Grade Issue Place Issue Date Exp.Date
Travel passport 1. All Crew dropdown
Seamans Discharging Book 2. All Crew dropdown
Cyprus Seamans Book 3. All Crew dropdown
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Seamans Book 4. All Crew dropdown
Seafarers Identity Document 5. RUS Crew dropdown
Certificate of Competency 6.1. All Crew dropdown dropdown
Certificate of Competency 6.2. All Crew dropdown dropdown
National Endorsement of CoC 7. M,Off,Eng dropdown dropdown
Cyprus Endorsment of CoC 8. M,Off,Eng dropdown dropdown
Bahamas Endorsment of CoC 9. M,Off,Eng dropdown dropdown
Norway Endorsment of CoC 10. M,Off,Eng dropdown dropdown
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Endorsment of CoC 11. M,Off,Eng dropdown dropdown
Resource management 12. M,Off,Eng dropdown
Basic Safety Training (Basic SOLAS) 13. All Crew dropdown
Medical Fitness 14. All Crew dropdown
Proficiency in Survival Craft. 15. All Crew dropdown
Advanced Fire Fighting 16. M,Off,Eng dropdown
Onboard Medical First Aid 17. M,Off,Eng dropdown
Onboard Medical Care 18. M,Off,Eng dropdown
Ships Carrying Dangerous and Hazardous Substances (B-V/b, table B-V/c) 19. M,Off dropdown
ECDIS 20. M,Off dropdown
ARPA 21. M,Off dropdown
Radar observation 22. M,Off dropdown
GMDSS 23. M,Off dropdown dropdown
GMDSS National Endorsement 24. M,Off dropdown dropdown
Cyprus GMDSS Endors. 25. M,Off dropdown dropdown
Bahamas GMDSS Endors. 26. M,Off dropdown dropdown
Norway GMDSS Endors. 27. M,Off dropdown dropdown
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines GMDSS Endors. 28. M,Off dropdown dropdown
Safety Officer Training (A.741 (18)) 29. M,Off dropdown
Ship Security Course (A-VI/5) 30. M,CO dropdown
Security Duties Course (A-VI/6-2) 31. All Crew dropdown
Visa 32. dropdown dropdown
Residence permit 33. dropdown
European health insurance card (EIHC) 34. EU crew dropdown
English Language Skills 35. Spoken: dropdown Written: dropdown
Other Foreign Languages 36. Choose: dropdown
Clothing Sizes 37. Boiler suit: dropdown Shoe size: dropdown
How do you rate your welding skills? 38. dropdown
Do you have MarTrust e-wallet account? 39. dropdown

2Block 2 - List of Documents

Block 2 - List of Documents

1. Applicants without complete certification as per international STCW-95 standards cannot be considered for employment.

2. Enlist all required documents based on your applied position onboard with utmost care for the details.

3. Scanned copies of your documents will be needed only in case of employment.

3Sea Service (Last 5 contracts)

From(S/On Date) To(S/Off Date) Onboard Days Rank


Flag Vessels Name Ship Type GRT Main Eng. Type/kW
dropdown dropdown
From(S/On Date) To(S/Off Date) Onboard Days Rank


Flag Vessels Name Ship Type GRT Main Eng. Type/kW
dropdown dropdown
From(S/On Date) To(S/Off Date) Onboard Days Rank


Flag Vessels Name Ship Type GRT Main Eng. Type/kW
dropdown dropdown
From(S/On Date) To(S/Off Date) Onboard Days Rank


Flag Vessels Name Ship Type GRT Main Eng. Type/kW
dropdown dropdown
From(S/On Date) To(S/Off Date) Onboard Days Rank


Flag Vessels Name Ship Type GRT Main Eng. Type/kW
dropdown dropdown
dropdownAdd more contracts

3Block 3 - Sea Service (Last 5 Years or more)

Block 3 - Sea Service

1. Enlist last five contracts as per your Seaman's book.